We envisioned
the Aids Memorial Park site as a reflection of the human body; one with an
enduring support structure. Our proposal
approaches the existing utilitarian building and its structural system as a metaphor
for how HIV/AIDS impacts the human body by selectively removing building
elements and structure to mirror HIV/AIDS’ impact.
Among the proposed design elements is an open amphitheater memorial park with an observation tower and
educational facilities which have been carved out of the existing building
The existing
building facade would be preserved and serve as an observation tower to view
the memorial park and surrounding community.
The Remembrance Beacon is a glass spire with OLED digital film that would display images of the faces of individuals affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The displayed images would be from the AIDS Memorial archives submitted by individuals affected by the illness or relatives who choose to display images of their departed as a memorial. The goal of the Reflection Beacon is to give the disease a human face. Visitors of the Remembrance Beacon will be able to display their images when visiting by imputing the names in a kiosk terminal within the observation tower.